Let’s Elect Bo Johnson as State Representative for the 159th District
Election is August 4, 2026
I’m focused on bringing COMMON SENSE along with my work ethic to my campaign for the State Representative seat for the 159th district!
My promise to my people of the 159th district is that no one will outwork me when it comes to you!
I look forward to meeting each and every one that I possibly can in the next year and a half on the campaign trail!
Bo Johnson
Get to Know Bo Johnson
Work was something I could do better than most because my ethic was second to none. I’ve always had a goal in life to be successful, and I am very fortunate that my wife Laura was beyond supportive! I was introduced to construction at the early age of 18 years old when I started working as a roofer In Louisiana and fell in love with the industry.
We moved to Missouri in 2001 where I continued to work for the other guy. Not satisfied again at where I was in my life, I decided to become a territory manager for the largest publicly traded distribution company for roofing products, Beacon Roofing Supply. I worked in Northwest Arkansas for 4 years with great success, and again I found myself not satisfied.
So I started my own roofing company in 2016, Johnson Roofing & Construction. Since opening my company, I’ve had the pleasure to travel the US & Puerto Rico roofing in the hospital industry!
Being the person that’s driven to always do something more, I built a Motocross race facility in Neosho, MO, for the children of our community. After 3 short years, the success of that business has been both great and rewarding. Watching thousands of children come through our facility from all over the nation and other countries is humbling to say the least.
I was born in Morgan City, Louisiana, in 1970. I am the first born of 3 children, my sister Melissa Johnson Cotten and my brother James Johnson. I was raised in a little town called Vidor, Texas, until the age of 10, then moved to Glendora, Louisiana, where I remained until I met my wife.
I was raised in a Christian home my entire life, God is and always must be first in our lives. I met my wife when I was 12 years old and she was 13 in the church my father pastored. We married in 1988 and have two children, Ashley Johnson Davis, married to Drew, & Clint Johnson, married to Amber Zumwalt Johnson. Our 6 grandchildren: Garrett Johnson, Gabriel Johnson, Landen Johnson, Eli Johnson, Ivan Davis & Delilah Davis.
I was raised with not very much money as a child, love from both parents was the most important thing in my family and my parents did a great job in that department!
Bo Johnson’s Common Sense Concerns:
Tax Reform
I’m for less taxes on the American people, we pay far more than we should have too. If elected I will fight to lower taxes and try to eliminate Personal Property Taxes for Seniors.
I’m also very concerned about School Budgets
2nd Amendment Rights
As Americans, our forefathers wrote it is our rights to bare arms. The manner in which we do so should be at our discretion.
I am an avid gun owner, I believe in the right to bare arms! We must preserve that right at all cost!
Babies are our future!
I believe in life at conception. The only reason a women should have an abortion is if her life is in danger. There are so many American couples that would love to adopt a child.
I’m passionate about children. As your State Representative, I will fight to protect each and every child born and in the mother’s womb.
Laura and Bo with grandsons
Bo with grandsons
Johnson family vacation
Bo and Laura at the Missouri Senate Dais during 2025 Inaugural
Bo and Laura with Missouri State Senator Jill Carter during the 2025 Inaugural
Bo and Laura at the 2025 Missouri Inaugural
On the Missouri Capitol steps
Seneca Mayor Brad Storrs, State Senator Jill Carter, Bo Johnson
Bo rides along with a Newton County Deputy
Bo with Newton County Auditor Matt Major
Visiting with Newton Countians
Bo and Laura – ready for a concert
Motocross Racer
Bo and granddaughter
Bo stands with Trump!